Daily routine outline
Reset your gut microbiome /gut flora fauna with a detox to remove the colony hosting all the bad actors not supporting your wellness. Phase 1: 1 month Elimination Diet to balance the gut. Phase 2: Week 5 begins the added fiber to the elimination diet with psyllium husks added to 1 liter of water 2x daily. (you will likely have detox symptoms starting about 3 weeks after the phase 2. Most common is gout once or twice with various skin irritations, mood fluctuations and toilet irregularities. Phase 3 is the anti parasitic and toxin cleanse. Eat an entire Papaya and chew all the seeds (put it all in a blender if you have to or choose another highly anti parasitic food source if you’re allergic to papaya. Next day. mix 1/2 cup activated Charcoal to 1 liter of water and drink it which binds to any remaining toxins to be pooped out. Continue eating elimination diet which becomes your new food regime as you learn how to make the most nutritious meals for yourself. A friendly reminder for when you’re on a cleanse or detox, “Never trust a fart”. You’re welcome :).
Add Anti parasitic cleanse to 1 month elimination diet: The herbal recommended herbal remedy is neem turmeric capsules each morning. Triphala daily and weekly 2 tbsn of Castor oil. Another option to add is Ivermectin and hydrochloriquina as both are extremely effective anti parasitic combinations.

Frequencies, Prayer & Breathing
The solution is within you and not outside of you
Our Frequencies or Vibrations can be divided into two groups: Heaven Frequencies of Divine Energy or Hell Frequencies of the void that can’t be filled.
Health Alignment: The Key to Unlocking Your Full Potential
Discover how to align your body, mind, and spirit for optimal health and well-being.
Are you tired of feeling tired, in pain, and overweight? Do you want to feel more energized, clear-headed, and in control of your health? If so, then you need to learn about health alignment.

Sun Salutation
Connecting body to mind with breath of life
Sun Salutation is a practice in yoga incorporating a flow sequence of some 18 gracefully linked asanas to connect with the source of all life, the sun. Best to use 3 full complete breaths . Step by step instruction of this classic fundamental process of balancing your body mind and spirit.
Am routine:
Preferably 5am. roll your feet and foot roller, brush tongue, brush teeth, drin
Your fitness is largely thought of as just a physical act but its a process of doing what activates your physical self/vehicle of your soul and spirit to respond to elevate your consciousness through mechanical means assisting the trinity of alignment for ascension. upa process, breath (sukha kriya) and sound work (AUM). sun salutation.
Post work out meal is your break fast
brief description, specs in purchased program: meal should be half raw food and half cooked. Break Fast is first meal of the day. preferably 7 hours after waking. Recommended diet in program. Essentially no inflammatory foods and clean water with the prep and process
your daily responsibilites
Get to work~ 9-5? whether you work for someone or work for your self. devote your work day to a that time period of productivity with check ins when needed in mind, on paper, website or app. feeling the anxiety, use the grounding techniques of breath and mantra
evening meal
Mega salad is a super food rich Salad with side dish of a cooked protien.
bed time
turn of all EMF electronics, read a book that feeds your soul, when ready, prepare for rest. brief description of routine to separate your trinity from the day that past to the night time rest and preparation for the next day. (details in purchased program). hot water foot bath, safe candle use, mantra, breath, sacred space.