Seed of life

Discover how to align your body, mind, and spirit for optimal health and well-being.

Regeneration for longevity

The seed of life is also known as the Chrism which is a term for an oil activation also known as The Sacred Secretion or The Fountain of Youth.  If your trinity is in alignment,  you have the opportunity for the seed of life regeneration for longevity or consecrated consciousness. This mixture of Christ oil is finite with every time it does not have a monthly return, you loose regeneration and longevity. You will need to know your moon sign to track which 3 days this process takes place and it changes every month.

If you want to learn more about your moon sign. Go here:

Sacred Secretion references:

Over coming our Slavery:

An Awakening course link is below:

The art of preserving the sacred secretion:

You can also down the app: Time Passages

Great website to reference sound healing frequencies to chakras

Toroidal Energy Field Versus the Spider web of hinderances

"Over come hinderances of the flesh and be aware of your conscious spirit."

Our energy field of creation connected to source  VS  the matrix of extracted energy in a web of hinderances.

Recognize the Unity of Divine energy and Avoid filling the void with Hinderances 


A lower vibration of life attacks us all and its our choices in daily thoughts and actions that determine how much we are victim to out side forces/energies or strengthen our own sovereignty of a strong trinity in mind, body and spirit but that being too vague it means your television shows, internet activity, conversations with friends and what you put your thoughts into create a Universal energy force resonating with you on the frequency you create by choice. Being attached to things keeping you impulsive and you outside the joy that is within you as a sentient whole being not dependent of outside immediate gratification distractions from your inner light that gives you all the fulfillment you need if you cultivate it. There is a monthly process our body goes through we need to fully understand and how our physiology is connected to the the moon cycles to assist our alignment for harmony, joy and bliss. 

Preparation and Preservation

Preparation during, breaking fast and preservation of the SS: 1 month of restriction regime to learn how eat well. 1 week fasting preparing your trinity for a higher frequency of being. 1 month of Daniel diet with S.S. preservation while your body continues to detox and get use to your new eating regime. Second fasting starts 4 days before your moon sign date, day 5,6 and 7 are the Sacred Secretion days. Morning of day seven break your fast with fruits at 12 noon, Preservation foods of Oat porridge with soaked pumpkin seeds and walnuts (soaked for 8 hours prior). 

Health Alignment: The Key to Unlocking Your Full Potential

Discover how to align your body, mind, and spirit for optimal health and well-being.

Are you tired of feeling tired, in pain, and overweight? Do you want to feel more energized, clear-headed, and in control of your health? If so, then you need to learn about health alignment.

Join us today and unlock your limitless potential.

Our dedicated team is ready to assist you and provide the guidance you need. Whether you have specific questions about our programs and services or simply want to connect with like-minded individuals, we’re here to help. 

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